Saturday, April 23, 2022

5 side hustle ideas to earn money quickly + how to start them



5 side hustle ideas to earn money quickly + how to start them

if you're currently looking for ways to earn some extra money then a side hustle can be a really good way of earning a  few extra hundred pounds a month or  maybe even more on the side of your  current job or other full-time

commitments so in this video I'm going  to share with you five side hustles that   are easy to start can be started by any body with no previous experience and  require little or no money to get  started in and I'm also going to give

you some guidance and tips on how to get  started in each one   so the term side hustle is a bit of a  new and trendy term but essentially it  just means anything that you do on the  side of your current job to earn a bit of extra money on the side   so these are really good because they  allow you to not only earn extra money  but you can also learn new skills and  you can potentially develop these side  hustles into long-term careers or  businesses if you want to but one of the  biggest problems with a lot of videos  you see on YouTube that talk about side  hustles is they mention side hustles  that are expensive to start or require  lots of previous experience or knowledge

in a certain area so what i want to do  with this video is focus on the side  hustles that are realistic for anybody

to get started in so I'm not just going  to go and tell you to rent out your   second home on airbnb or start up your

own it consultancy out of nowhere and  I've thrown in a mixture of online and  offline side hustles and all of these have the potential to make a few hundred  pounds a month if not more so all of the side houses on this list contain the  following four factors which i think are  really important factors that you need  to look for when you're looking to start  a side hustle they can be started  quickly so ideally a side hustle should  be able to be started within a few days  or a few weeks maybe and it shouldn't  require months of previous study or have  some sort of lengthy setup process that delays you from getting started it  should be free or cheap to get started  in so ideally they'll have no setup cost  but if there are some costs involved i  would recommend spending no more than 50  to 100 pounds on getting started  especially if you're a beginner they  should be flexible meaning that you can  easily work them around your current  full-time job or other commitments and  they should have some sort of growth  potential and that means that you can   potentially increase the pay rate over  time or you could maybe even turn them

into a full-time career or business if  you want to so what i'm going to do in  this video is run through my list of five side hustles and show you how they  fit the criteria of those points i've  just mentioned and then i'm going to give you some advice on how to get started in them of lots of websites and resources.