Saturday, April 23, 2022

How can a beginner make money?



Hello guys if your student who is heading towards university or college Or is already a university or college student there might be a concern and a Crucial question in your mind that how you would be earning money during Your university life to sustain yourself and this is exactly what I’m going to Teach you into this article. The simple solution is just do a part-time job however i have made plenty of videos on part-time jobs already so in this video i will be touching on five very easy and best ways by which you can earn money  and this is what i call passive sources of income i personally have utilized  all of these platforms and i'm earning about 1000 pounds a month through all these passive sources of income and this is basically the money which is not my active stream of income what is the money which is coming from

here and there from all these platforms which really makes a large difference in my life and which will eventually make difference in your life as well so make sure to watch this video until and as I’ve discussed some pro tips and suggestions for all of you guys so now the very first way to earn money is through airbnb so someone who isn't aware what airbnb is it's a platform that offers

lodging and it provides a direct connection with the tourist guides so now how i earn money through airbnb was in two specific ways the number first way was acting as a tourist guide for example now someone who is in America and wants to visit Glasgow so he will be looking for some of the tourist guide through airbnb so all you need to do is you need to go to airbnb and create your own page and on the page you will be writing for example I’m saying in Glasgow maybe staying in your specific location and you have to provide some of the locations which you are fully aware about and have got the full location and which the tourists will be quite interested in so you need to put for example for me i put out the five locations which i had full information

about and moreover to attract some of the tourists all you need to do is provide some special offers for example provide them free food in between the tour and the secondly also provide free transportation and with this a lot many tourists get attracted and they poke your specific tour through airbnb and to charge you can charge them at your own feet for example for me for a three hour tour i charge for one  person a massive amount of hundred pounds and this was a really good stream of income for me and moreover i used to do it on weekends and getting a such a money was a really good deal and second way to earn money through airbnb is by renting out your own room so airbnb also provides lodging and the accommodation to the tourist and all you can do is for example for the weekend for the two days if your all the stuff in your room is very much handy just pack them and for the two days just give for example in the weekends just give it to the tourist

Where they will be staying and you can just for the same amount of money maybe you can go to London and just travel out Maybe go to birmingham travel there maybe go to your friend's house and stay there for two days basically so this is a really good source of passive income which you must try to explore so number second way to earn money is through cura Now if someone who isn't aware what qra is cura is a platform in which one user can ask questions and another.

user can answer the questions which you asked so it is a really very much simple platform out there so you can say that it is quite similar to your answers but through qri you can earn money so once you have set up your account on cura which is very much simple you can also link your Gmail account to qra then secondly your account will be created it is same as Facebook in which you've got a main profile and you can also build your pages the pages in the qris known as spaces now once you've created the spaces the spaces are initially monetized the only condition is that need to earn about 10 dollars 10 American dollars and once you have passed a threshold your spaces will be monetized and you will be start generating a revenue out of cura so now in order to monetize your profile it is only done by cura so it is known as a cura in white system so all you need to do is you need to ask as many questions and get involved in the cure community try asking as many questions try answering them and then thirdly try commenting and do other stuffs by which the cure team would be saying that yes now this person is quite eligible and they will be sending an invite it is really a good stream of having a passive source of income .